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Exploration #5e2: Online Libraries

At this point in time, we have yet to see an online library which offers all the services available at the local library. However, the online libraries can still provide resources useful in the elementary classroom. In this exploration, you will be exploring several exemplary online libraries. You can find hundreds of other online libraries in the More Online Libraries lists further down the page.

Online Libraries

America's Library (Library of Congress for Kids)

Library of Congress: Digital Collections

The British Library

Online Book Collections (mostly older books in the public domain)

Story Arts: Story Library

Children's Books Online: The Rosetta Project

Project Gutenberg


The Online Books Page

Commercial Online Libraries (subscription required)


More Online Libraries


Aardvark: Asian Libraries

NARA: Presidential Libraries

Smithsonian Libraries

Record your general observations on these Online Library sites in your logbook. Make note of the sites you will be most likely to use in future.

Proceed to Exploration #5e3


Fresno Pacific University Continuing Education
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last update: 6.21.19