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course modules: online communications | world wide web | webpage design

TEC 908 Internet: The Connected Classroom will introduce you to (or refresh and broaden your understanding of...) the educational side of the Internet and the World Wide Web. The focus of this course will be on developing the skills that you need to fully integrate the Internet/Web into your classroom.

You will be completing a series of interactive, online activities that will guide you through the use of Online Communications, Educational Resources on the World Wide Web, and Webpage Design.

You will also learn how to establish connections with other educators and how to tap into the wealth of educational resources on the World Wide Web. You will finish by creating your own website related to the curriculum in your classroom.

This will not be a class where you spend hours and hours reading about the Internet. Most of the activities will be completed online after a brief tutorial on the topic of discovery.

The course is divided into three modules: The Online Communications Module, The World Wide Web Module, and The Webpage Design Module. The Tutorials for the three course modules are all located on the course website.

You will be communicating with the course instructor regularly. In addition to periodically reporting your progress to the instructor via Email, you will use the course Logbook to chart your progress and record your observations. This Logbook will be submitted to instructor for review upon completion of the course.

You will have the opportunity to establish online communication with your fellow TEC 908 course participants using the TEC 908 Web Discussion Board.

You will have one year from the date of enrollment to complete the course. A Credit/No Credit grade will be issued upon successful completion of the course unless an email request for a letter grade is made to the instructor prior to beginning the course.

If you have a question, need advice or assistance, you may contact me with email addressed to bobjost@gmail.com or leave a voicemail message at 559.495.1919. Include your name, phone number, and the best time for a return call (please indicate your time zone) in your voicemail message. I will make every effort to return your email or phone call within 48 hours.

Important Note: It is assumed that you have access to a functional online account that supports email and access to the World Wide Web. As much as I would like to help you troubleshoot the occasional problems that may arise with your computer and your online connection, these problems are best handled by your local tech support person or the help desk at your Internet Service Provider.

I thank you for registering for TEC 908 Internet: The Connected Classroom. I look forward to getting to know you via our email communication. I am excited to be your guide as you explore the wonderful world of educational resources on the Internet. I trust you will enjoy the journey as much as I have!

Bob Jost
5762 E. Laurite Ave
Fresno, CA 93727-8815

voicemail: 559.495.1919

primary email address: bobjost@gmail.com
backup email address: rwj@fpu.edu

TEC 908 Course Websites:

http://www.cotwcourses.net/tec908/ (primary)

http://www.josts.net/tec908/ (mirror)

http://www.sps3000.net/tec908/ (mirror)

Next: Course Overview



Fresno Pacific University Continuing Education
Copyright © 1997- 2018 by Bob Jost.  All rights reserved.
last revised: 1.31.18